OUT Landers inn
 jeep retreat

              We are a self funded 501 c3
                Veteran Recovery Program 

Out Landers Inn has no Business affiliations with Elliott A Arthur Nor  North East Planes  Aviation Nor  Monticello Air tours


We are purchasing Jeep Cherokees 1998-2001. Building a fleet of vehicles for vacation rentals in the canyon lands area and beyond.

Ultimately we all report to God. We will strive to glorify him in all we do. Support our returning veterans by providing a safe, comfortable, and energizing work environment Strive to be the preferred vacation destination by exceeding our customers' expectations and providing the vacation of a lifetime.  Arrival by AIR, at U64 Airport we strive to expand General Aviation Presence through education and availability.

Beginnings of Out Landers INN

When and Why

Our first flying vacation was back in 1994 we loaded up our two daughters in the airplane and headed to Washington DC 10/19/1994. We flew through the White house VFR corridor and could see the white house from the air no flight restrictions was a very cool being able to fly in this area. Upon landing at the Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA airport we were graced with a gorgeous sunset and a small herd of deer outside surrounding boards at the end of the runway. On short final. ATC cut us loose and closed our flight plan. We taxied up to the FBO and parked and unloaded our aircraft into the waiting Taxi cab then a short trip to our hotel. This was the beginning of the quest for flying vacations that would forever change how we view our vacationing. From this point on we would take off 2 weeks each year and fly out west with a few excursions to New Jersey from Daytona Beach Florida; during the Thanks Giving holiday we spent the holiday with my Brother Keith and his wife Dina. We started venturing out West. Out first vacation was to El Paso Texas where we had an electrical failure which caused us to leave the aircraft on the field at the beach craft dealer. The replaced Over Voltage Regulator. We rented a Ford Explorer and continued to the Grand Canyon area. While we were vacationing we heard some of the atrocities that were occurring on some of the Native American Reservations. At this exact moment in time it caused me to have the conviction to do something to help reverse future outcomes. So for the next several years while flying out West on vacation and working I started to develop the plan that would effect change. I talked to friends and family but still didn't actually have a plan, but still had a burning desire to continue on this quest of serving the cause. So we continued flying out west with the Idea of resolving this problem.
Inspiration of a dedicated pilot. 

Out Landers Is still building jeeps and cabins for future veterans.

If you want to volunteer please use the contact information. 

Welcome to Out Landers Inn

We are recruiting jeeps for veterans one jeep at a time. Each jeep that is rented is assigned to a veteran and that vet then receives  73% of all rentals this then is applied to his training program. Automotive repairs, Pilot training, Hospitality, Property management,  Aircraft maintenance A&P. 


timelapse photography of green SUV on road


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